Latest posts by rtavk3

Oct 8, 2015
by rtavk3
After reviewing feedback from classes and talking with members we have decided to begin offering studio time sessions. The session will be targeted times to work on a personal project or a instructor provided project and get feedback and assistance from an expert in that area. This will allow folks ...
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Oct 7, 2015
by rtavk3
Big month last month and even more upcoming, honestly we have so many major things happening I almost want to put each of them in their own post so that they don't get lost in one long post! Happened: -We are Officially a home away from home for the Glassell ...
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Sep 28, 2015
by rtavk3
TX/RX Labs is announcing the creation of Artist Support Grants which will provide access to critical technologies, equipment, space, and collaboration opportunities for Houston's Artists on a level never before seen in Houston.
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Sep 14, 2015
by rtavk3
Howdy, a little late but better than never... Fall is coming so the nice weather will be the perfect time to get into the shop and get some serious work done. Lets see what has been happening and what is upcoming at the lab. Happened: -I noticed the robotics club ...
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Aug 2, 2015
by rtavk3
Howdy, just checking in with a lab update again, will try to keep this going monthly for as long as possible. Hopefully summer is near over >.> and it will be cooling off. Recent Events: We have started requiring badges for everyone in the lab at all times. If you ...
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May 29, 2015
by rtavk3
TX/RX recently participated in a really great project being carried out by a group of seniors at the Rice OEDK. We were asked to assist via mentoring the group in designing and building a device intended to keep infants safe. We assisted the group with arduino and gsm expertise to ...
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May 20, 2015
by rtavk3
Recently we have been looking into collaborating more actively with Houston's vibrant art and craft scene and as part of that work we happened to find a really great project that let us show off the unique technical and creative talents that TX/RX's diverse community possesses. As part of their ...
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Jan 6, 2015
by rtavk3
Well 2014 is behind us, what happened of note at TX/RX? What can we expect in 2015? 2014 Happenings - Expanded into the new 7000 sq ft Woodshop - Added the 2000 sq ft Craft Space - Taught over 224 Classes with an attendance of 1760 Students
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Jun 2, 2014
by rtavk3
Things continue to go well for TXRX Labs. Lots of happenings to cover so lets get started! Classes are so popular now that we have to run them continually, no more spring and fall session, we have them booked out to august already with more to come. Signed the lease ...
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May 5, 2014
by rtavk3
Lots of happenings at TXRX Labs, so lets get started. --Puget Technologies has given TXRX Labs the opportunity to beta test their 3D printers they are working on releasing in the US market. Chris Kelly has been leading up the testing and lots of cool prints have been coming off ...
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Feb 10, 2014
by rtavk3
We have our new building, work is underway to move the woodshop there, there will be an build day for new woodshop work tables soon for anyone interested in helping, keep an eye out. We are starting planning for the new craft space which we will occupy once we have ...
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Feb 4, 2014
by rtavk3
Houston Google Developer Group is inviting you to a tech talk and code lab at TXRX on the new AngularDart scripting language. Feb 22 11am - 3pm with food and prizes - registration required If you work with JavaScript, you might find Dart easy and quick to learn and ...
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Dec 16, 2013
by rtavk3
Recently the UH Art and Design Departments needed a hand with some fabrication on one of their projects recently put on display the the new Buffalo Bayou Expansion. So TX/RX lent a hand and I might say it was well worth it, not only did we help make a really ...
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Sep 23, 2013
by rtavk3
We got an amazing windfall. Due to the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ehni we are the proud recipient of a Moose Electric Truck. This truck is in amazing condition (only 2.5k miles), runs on LiPo batteries and will make an amazing platform for teaching about EV's and also ...
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Sep 23, 2013
by rtavk3
Member, Bill Swann built his own amazing Solar Tracking array and a few of us took a preliminary trip to check it out. And we can report it was mighty awesome. All designed and fabricated by Bill its really pushing from DIY to professional. A trip is being setup for ...
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Sep 23, 2013
by rtavk3
We ran out of group and members tables so we build another 16 of them to offer members more space. Thought I might share with you some of the build photos. We pour really serious concrete tables which will last forever, there is even a class scheduled on how to ...
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Aug 27, 2013
by rtavk3
TX/RX Labs is proud to announce our Fall 2013 Workshop Series, featuring 40+ workshops in diverse topics such as Welding, Programming, 3d Printing, CNC, CAD, CAM, and much more. We look forward to sharing our excitement for fabrication and innovation with you as we collaborate to extend your abilities and ...
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May 15, 2013
by rtavk3
TX/RX Labs is working on a really amazing project and we are excited to begin sharing it with the public. Our team of engineers and educators has designed a 3D printer from the ground up to maximize build speed and quality while still not sacrificing ease of use. We are ...
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Apr 17, 2013
by rtavk3
A crew of TX/RX Members (Cody Jones, Wanjun Zhang, Roland von Kurnatowski) spent two days teaching robotics to a local group of middle-schoolers over spring break. It was a really fun course that taught the basics of arduino and then built upon that knowledge to program a line follower robot. ...
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Mar 20, 2013
by rtavk3
TX/RX Labs is proud to announce our Summer 2013 Class Series, featuring ~40 classes in diverse topics such as Welding, Programming, 3d Printing, CNC, CAD, CAM, and much more. We look forward to sharing our excitement for fabrication and innovation with you as we collaborate to extend your abilities and ...
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Dec 17, 2012
by rtavk3
Christmas just isnt the same without bending the rules of spacetime. So we whipped up a couple portals and through the tree through it. All the ornaments were custom cut on the Laser cutter as part of our ornament build day and yes that is a Hyrul Crest as the ...
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Aug 27, 2012
by rtavk3
Sunday, August 19th 1pm TX/RX Labs John Moffitt Presents: “Earth Extinction Events, Past and Future” (one hour). Let’s takea look at the very big picture on Earth during its last three orbits around the Milky Way galaxy … and even go a bit into the future. Many are familiar with ...
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Aug 2, 2012
by rtavk3
Another addition to the Lab Data Bus has arrived. The front door RFID reader has been integrated allowing remote push of RFID data, remote opening, and data logging to the TX/RX Server. This is just one of many additions to the LDB that are in the works now that the ...
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Jul 27, 2012
by rtavk3
The first laser cutter class went off without a hitch, we got a lot of people checkout out and hopefully we will see the results of their work soon!Credit goes to Craig for getting all the materials together to teach the class and also taking the time out of his ...
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Jul 12, 2012
by rtavk3
The LDB Project (Lab Data Bus) has bore fruit. Actually it might be more correct to say it has bore Soft Drinks. The Drink Machine has been converted into a dual cash/rfid drink machine letting individuals pay via a balance they can place on their rfid card using paypal or ...
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Jul 10, 2012
by rtavk3
We’ve gone a while without any having any shirts for us to show off our tx/rx pride. Well no more! The new shirts are in and they look good imo. They are now available for instructors for the next 2 weeks and then will go on sale for everyone. They ...
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Jun 15, 2012
by rtavk3
The 60W Laser cutter is up and running at the lab finally. And already we are reaping the benefits of having one. Decreased fabrication time and the ability to say we have a cnc with a freakin’ laser. So far we have cut the support structure for a quadracopter and ...
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Jun 6, 2012
by rtavk3
In a stroke of great luck, Mitsubishi Electric offered to repair the Meldas 330M controls on our Tree Journeyman 325 Knee Mill for free since we are a non-profit. After a super fast turn around time we have the unit in hand and the control processor is up and running. ...
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Apr 23, 2012
by rtavk3
This Wednesday, April 25 at 3:00 pm, TX/RX Labs’ own Roland von Kurnatowski III, in partnership with the GE Garages initiative, will be teaching an Intro to Arduino course at Rice University. Participants will get an overview of the Arduino’s operation and features and then delve into hands-on development, learning ...
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Feb 22, 2012
by rtavk3
Member Greg Southerland has completed his heatless air dryer for use with the compressed air system within the lab. Its a really great build that will help the lab out a lot when it comes to plasma cutting and also general pneumatic tool use at the lab. The build is ...
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Feb 20, 2012
by rtavk3
TX/RX’s Open Source Project to develop a low power solar based GPRS/GSM remote sensor platform is reaching alpha testing. We are looking for some people with electronics design/coding experience who would like to participate in determining the features and changes the project needs to go to Beta testing and produce ...
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Jan 27, 2012
by rtavk3
The Spring 2012 Class Schedule is in its final form and is being printed and readied to be published. The class list will be posted to the website in the coming week. There are tons of exciting new classes such as: Welding I & II Intro & Advanced Arduino Knitting ...
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Jan 12, 2012
by rtavk3
A minor mishap killed the Labs drill press. Determined to revive it we set out to rewind the AC motor by hand. This must have been a labor of love because rewinding motors is no easy chore. After rewinding it 3 times due to some minor mishaps in the winding ...
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Sep 9, 2011
by rtavk3
The Fall Class Schedule for TX/RX Labs is finally up! We have a lot of exciting courses being taught by our members and friends which we hope will help others gain the knowledge and skills they need to do bigger and better things or just learn more about those topics ...
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Jul 20, 2011
by rtavk3
A recent milestone was reached, for a Flame based Loudspeaker project being spearheaded by Kelly O’Brien, that TX/RX hopes to share with the world soon. The speaker had its first proof of concept test which proved exceedingly successful. Video Here: Flame Speaker! With this step the project should ramp up ...
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Jul 2, 2011
by rtavk3
We have ventured into the mechanical and electrical arts quite extensively and now it is time to give the same treatment to computer science! So TX/RX Labs has formed a group focused on teaching computer science and exchanging knowledge and ideas within the comp sci space. The group meets regularly ...
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Jun 14, 2011
by rtavk3
This Saturday’s Arduino Class was a huge success, we filled up the lab and taught a lot of new folks how to start hacking with Arduinos. Hopefully this will just be the beginning of their adventures into microcontrollers and soon we will have exciting projects they have completed to post ...
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Jun 6, 2011
by rtavk3
The equipment keeps heading our way, a fancy new cnc plasma table was generously put on extended loan to the space. A spacious 4×4 feet with automatic z axis height adjustment it will open new doors for fabrication and if that doesn’t work we can just plasma cut through them. ...
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May 29, 2011
by rtavk3
After a lot of soldering the first panel of the Led matrix at the lab went in today. Conway’s game of life will initially be displayed on it with the game playing out over a couple of days. Hopefully with all the things we learned adding more boards will be ...
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May 27, 2011
by rtavk3
The Wall of Hack project a RFID libe heartbeat visualizer that also serves to allow new members to learn the labs capabilities while also adding their own mark to the lab, has met its first Milestone Stage. Wanjun Zhang led up the prototyping of the first box which mean the ...
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May 17, 2011
by rtavk3
Our first soldering class was a huge success! We had tons of new people out to learn the basics and hopefully start a journey into creativity with electronics. The time flew by but by the end everyone was already pro, most of the participants assembled kits looked better than mine ...
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May 11, 2011
by rtavk3
This friday May 13th in conjunction with our normal open house our friends @ the Houston Super Secret Science Club meetup group will be getting together at the lab. The secret Science Club is a fun group dedicated to learning more about science and technology from each other and the ...
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May 11, 2011
by rtavk3
Wednesday Night from 7-11pm are now home to Desolder and a Movie night. Each week we pick a movie and get to helping stock the labs parts bins from our collection of unused pcbs. Its a great way to help the lab out and catch on of those great movies ...
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May 1, 2011
by rtavk3
Great news! The first of our large CNCs, the Bergmaster VTC-150 Vertical Mill has been repaired. Basically a couple of relays needed to be rebuilt and some limit switched needed to be replaced and then bam! it was up and running. We are in the process of learning the controls ...
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Apr 5, 2011
by rtavk3
Tx/Rx has announced its spring class lineup. Lots of exciting classes for the enthusiastic novice or even the advanced hacker. We hope you will find something that you will find both enlightening and exciting. Here is a list of the classes offered, please follow this link to register or get ...
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Feb 11, 2011
by rtavk3
What’s a Hack-B-Q? Think free B-B-Q with the added bonus of getting to share knowledge with TXRX Members who have expertise in exciting DIY technology projects. And that’s just for starters: There are tons of exciting projects in progress and members with expertise in chemistry, electrical engineering, biology, physics, programming, ...
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Sign Me Up!About TXRX Labs
Established in 2008, TXRX Labs is a non-profit hackerspace for the greater Houston area. Housed in the East End District, we offer courses in and access to our rapid prototyping lab, woodshop, machineshop, electronics lab, and a wide variety of other tools. Our goal is to educate the public about technology and show how seemingly complex techniques can be used by anyone. If you like what we do, please donate.

This Week at TXRX Labs
- 03/04 - Ion Prototyping Lab Office Hours
- 03/04 - Jewelry I: Metalsmithing Boot Camp
- 03/05 - Office Hours
- 03/05 - Welding I: MIG
- 03/06 - CNC Router + CAM
- 03/07 - Ion Prototyping Lab Office Hours
- 03/07 - Basic Machine Shop Technology - Metal Lathe
- 03/07 - Friday Open House
- 03/10 - Office Hours
- 03/10 - Jewelry I: Metalsmithing Boot Camp