Latest posts by Chris

Sep 2, 2009
by Chris
Brendan Macaluso the inventor of the Recompute came to Open House Friday at Tx/Rx Labs to present his CARDBOARD DESKTOP ENCLOSURE. It was a lot of fun seeing a desktop made out of paper. The key to this is that it is still very structurally sound. Take a look at ...
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Jul 4, 2009
by Chris
It’s official, the Intro to Arduino class was a huge success. I received nothing but positive feedback from the first class, so he were go with round two. The class is currently scheduled for 07/26/2009. Please help us make this event as successful as the first one. Spread the ...
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Jun 22, 2009
by Chris
TX/RX Labs would like to announce our 1st class! Introduction to Arduino, this class will be held Sunday, June 28th, 2009 from 2:00pm – 6:00pm at the space. We are limiting this class to 20 people and if warranted we will have another class at a later date. This is ...
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Jun 11, 2009
by Chris
We have moved our formal meetings to the 2nd Friday of the month starting in July. So now the rest of the Friday’s are open house, feel free to drop by and see whats going on. We will have the space open by 7:30pm but sometimes earlier, join our mail ...
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Jun 6, 2009
by Chris
We have made our decision of a DBA name for the group. TX/RX Labs. So watch for a new site and other rebranding soon. The required forms will be submitted to the City/County this week.
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May 16, 2009
by Chris
There has been a couple people who have shown interest in going to Defcon 17 in Las Vegas, Jul 31 – Aug 2. We have thought about renting a van and taking a road trip. If you are interested please let me know and we will work out the schedule. ...
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May 9, 2009
by Chris
We had another successful and productive meeting last night…. AND we have a real space now! Technology Collective of Houston 4820 Caroline St. Houston, Tx, 77004 Phone number to come soon. We have added 10 members to the membership roster with an additional 5 pledged to join next week at ...
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May 7, 2009
by Chris
Just sending out a reminder of our weekly meeting to be held at Caroline Collective tomorrow, May 8th at 7:30pm. The Caroline Collective is located at 4820 Caroline St. – and parking is available in the front of the building or a parking lot behind the building with access ...
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May 2, 2009
by Chris
We found a Temporary Space at Caroline Collective At the weekly meeting Friday night, interested members were given a tour of the Temporary Space that was offered at the Caroline Collective. The space is about 300 sq ft and will be $700.00 a month, including all utilities, water, wireless internet ...
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Apr 6, 2009
by Chris
Notacon 2009 – April 16th-19th I know its short notice but Notacon is coming up in the beautiful city of Cleveland, OH. Just thought I would pass it on if anyone feels like getting out of town for the weekend. From the Notacon site: NOTACON, an annual conference held ...
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Apr 5, 2009
by Chris
Once a month the hackerspaces throughout the world have a conference call. To share information on projects, status, event, etc. On average there are about 15 regulars and occasionally a new space will pop on. I have linked to the recording of the last conference call below.. Hackerspaces Call-In 2009-04-05 ...
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Apr 4, 2009
by Chris
On April 3rd, it was shared with the group that we may have a space in the works…. The deal is not done as of this time, but should hear something back soon. Its an older 30,000 sq ft warehouse that we would be able to secure at least 15,000 ...
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Mar 30, 2009
by Chris
A recent Wired article sheads light on the Hacker Space movement in the US. The article can be found at: Like most media articles, they missed a few details, but like they say….any publicity is good publicity! Chris
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Jul 7, 2007
by Chris
Bear with me for the next couple days as I attempt to learn this software and its features. If you are looking for the Wiki, go to http://houstonhackerspac otherwise check out the RSS feeds and soon I will have more information on the site. Also if anyone knows Joomla ...
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Jul 7, 2007
by Chris
On April 1st, one of our members was able to get a few minutes on the Houston radio show “Technology Bytes” and shared the good word of the Collective with some of their listeners. We were also invited to intermingle with their “Geek Gathering” as our meetings are on the ...
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Sign Me Up!About TXRX Labs
Established in 2008, TXRX Labs is a non-profit hackerspace for the greater Houston area. Housed in the East End District, we offer courses in and access to our rapid prototyping lab, woodshop, machineshop, electronics lab, and a wide variety of other tools. Our goal is to educate the public about technology and show how seemingly complex techniques can be used by anyone. If you like what we do, please donate.

This Week at TXRX Labs
- 03/12 - Office Hours
- 03/12 - Woodworking I: Woodshop Tools
- 03/13 - Welding I: TIG
- 03/13 - Laser Cutting I
- 03/13 - HEAA Meeting
- 03/14 - Ion Prototyping Lab Office Hours
- 03/14 - Basic Machine Shop Technology - Metal Lathe
- 03/17 - Office Hours
- 03/17 - Ceramics Boot Camp
- 03/17 - CNC Router Using VCarve
- 03/17 - CNC Plasma Cutting
- 03/18 - Ion Prototyping Lab Office Hours
- 03/18 - Ceramics Boot Camp