Things continue to go well for TXRX Labs. Lots of happenings to cover so lets get started!
Classes are so popular now that we have to run them continually, no more spring and fall session, we have them booked out to august already with more to come.
Signed the lease on the new craft area today!! Buildout begins soon. If you have equipment for arts and crafts you would be willing to donate let us know.
The lab has gotten some pretty serious upgrades this month in terms of equipment: 1. A new 4x8 3kw CNC Router table with 10HP vacuum table. 2. A 3x5ft 130W CO2 CNC laser cutter 3. A 10x5ft CNC Plasma Cutter with Hypertherm 85
The laser is up and cutting as of today, the router is running but the vacuum pump is being installed, and the plasma is being delivered this weekend.-
We received a donation of 20 more 3d printers brining our fleet to 31! We can now teach courses for schools and other non profits. Or print our very own army to take over the world.
We went out to comicpalloza last weekend and it was great! Met tons of folks and showed off our builds and made tons of new friends.
All in all as always things are going well, not much else to report, on the horizon its just more projects and more tools and classes. We do have some stuff in the works and will make announcements about them when things firm up.
Hope to see you around the lab soon!
-- -Roland