Always wanted to build a go-kart but don’t know how to weld? Or maybe you would like to make an iPhone game, but don’t know how to program? Or perhaps you have ideas for some cool electronics projects, but don’t really know how to get started? More likely, you have even better ideas. Our Fall DIY class series is just the thing to help get your projects out of your head and into the real world.
We offer hands on classes in all areas of Fabrication, Design, Programming, etc. Examples include Welding, CNC, Arduino, C Programming, CAD, 3D Printing and Stepper Motor Design to name a few. Check them out at our class registration page. Nowhere else in Houston will you be able to learn so much in such a short time and get hands on experience with such exciting topics, and all for such reasonable prices.
This year, all of us at TX/RX Labs are very pleased and excited to be in a new and much larger facility at 205 Roberts St., Houston, TX 77003.
Programming and CAD classes
- Intro to Inventor (3-D Comp Aided Design)
- 3d Printing
- Intro to 2d Cad/Drafting
- Calculus for the Practical Person
- Intro to C
- Intro to HTML/CSS
- Intro to Programming: First Principles
- Intro to DJANGO
- Automation for Non-Programmers: Ladder Logic
- Learning Javascript
- Intro to Arduino
- Advanced Arduino
- Beginner iPhone/iPad Development
- Intermediate iPhone/iPad Development
- Math for Game Devleopment
- Intro to Andriod Development
- Intro to Ruby on Rails
Electronics/Mechanics classes
- Intro to PCB Layout with Eagle
- How to create your own PCBs
- Oscilloscope Laboratory
- Intro to Digital Signal Processing
- Intro to Stepper Motors
- Intro to Soldering
- DIY Multicopter Build
- Intro Analog Theory
- Intermediate Analog Theory
- DIY Electric Vehicle Conversion
Metal/Wood/Plastic Working classes
- Brazing
- Welding I
- Welding II
- Laser Cutter Class
- Intro to Plasma Cutting
- Woodworking: Build a Chest
- Intro to CNC
Bike Tech classes
- Beginner Maintenance
- Wheel Truing
- Intermediate Maintenance