Kombucha & Ginger Beer
Want to learn to make homemade Kombucha and Wild Fermented root drinks such as Ginger Beer, Turmeric Beer, and Sunchoke Beer? They are all fermented to be full of probiotics (healthy gut!), nonalcoholic (less than .5 percent), and simple to make. Kombucha is a fermented tea that acts as an adaptogen, which helps the body maintain homeostasis. The wild root drinks bring wild yeasts and bacteria from your environment into your system, which makes for a happy gut. The main ingredients are simple; water, the root or SCOBY, and something sweet.
Come sit among the fields of vegetables and fruits at Finca Tres Robles and practice the ancient art of fermentation. Leave with a jar of your favorite drink or a starter culture to make your own.
Past flavor favorites: beet and jalapeño, ginger, local hibiscus, Mexican mint marigold
Scholarships are available. Please contact classes@fincatresrobles.org for more information.
Instructor: Tracy Hamblin is a homeschool mom of three awesome kids born and raised in Houston. A proponent for conscious living she obsesses over scratch cooking, sharing food, gardening, homebirth, mindful parenting, growing community, working with kids at Houston Peace Camp and laughing!
NOTE: This class is hosted at Finca Tres Robles urban farm located at 257 N Greenwood St, Houston, TX 77011. Please email classes@fincatresrobles.org with any questions.
Weather Cancellation Policy: Classes may be cancelled by Finca Tres Robles in the case of severe weather; however classes will not automatically be cancelled due to rain. Please stay in contact with farm staff if concerned about weather. Classes will be rescheduled as necessary.
Requirements: Closed toed shoes are required on the farm. Please wear work and weather appropriate clothing.
Email me the next time this class is scheduled