What’s a Hack-B-Q? Think free B-B-Q with the added bonus of getting to share knowledge with TXRX Members who have expertise in exciting DIY technology projects. And that’s just for starters: There are tons of exciting projects in progress and members with expertise in chemistry, electrical engineering, biology, physics, programming, mechanical engineering, and many others, all of whom are interested in sharing that knowledge for the benefit of the community.
Oh yeah, and did we mention FREE TI LaunchPad Dev Kits? (while supplies last)
Why? TXRX Labs has an great new space full of tools that any hacker would love, and we are interested in growing our ranks so we can share our resources and knowledge with more people who share our love of knowledge.
Where? TXRX Labs – 2010A Commerce St. Houston TX, 77002 (Map It!)
March 4th 7-11pm: 3d Printing & Rapid Prototyping Systems
Come view demos of our Custom Mendel-Bot and Cupcake (extrusion printers), discuss their operation and construction with active members in the 3d printing community. Also learn about our progress in UV Resin printing projects.

March 11th 7-11pm: Microcontrollers
Come see microcontroller-based projects that our members have completed and
learn about microcontroller principles and other in-process projects. Feel
free to bring your own projects in to demo or discuss in detail with our

March 18th 7-11pm: DIY CNC Builds
See some demos of our custom-built CNC Machines while also learning about the
design considerations at play in their construction. Also discuss and learn
about the current OSS CAD/CAM software we use. Feel free to bring in items
created with your own machines or your own contsruction plans or questions.
March 25th 7-11pm: Multitouch IR Surfaces
See and demo our Laser Light Plane LCD multitouch table. Discuss the build
process as well as our future plans for improvement. Also learn about
programming for multitouch. Feel free to bring in your own projects or
software to continue the discussion more in-depth.

If you have any questions or need more info please contact rtavk3@gmail.com or
leave a comment!