Young Architects Forum Design Make Residency/TXRX Open House Presentation
May 4, 2018 at TXRX Labs at 7pm
2018 YAF Design Make Residents Ami Patel, Paul Kweton and Hidekazu Takahashi will be presenting their project, "The Moebius Strip - The Whole and its Parts: Considering Parametric Modularity as a Design Recipe,” on May 4, 2018 at TXRX Labs. The Design Make Residents will describe how their residency at TXRX Labs influenced their project and the production process.
The Design Make Residency is a program sponsored by the AIA Houston Young Architects Forum in which three annually selected residents have access to space, tools, and resources at TXRX Labs. The program is intended to bridge the gap between theoretical design and production. During the program, residents develop a project and create objects to be displayed at the Architecture Center of Houston.
"The Moebius Strip - The Whole and its Parts: Considering Parametric Modularity as a Design Recipe,” is described as follows:
How does form inform functionality / program / (human) behavior? To what extent does ‘pure’ form, parametrically generated based on mathematical algorithms, inform / effect (human) behavior? How does legibility of modularity change with scale and do we need to see / experience / engage with the whole to understand its parts and vice versa?
The investigation and delivery of a design (module) comprised of perpetual modularity, material efficiency and certain scale in conjunction with its effect on space and (human) behavior form the core thesis and research topic of this residency. The Moebius strip and parametric modularity define our morphological framework for our physical form exploration.
Fore more information and to register, please visit: https://aiahouston.org/v/event-detail/YAF-Design-Make-Residency-TXRX-Open-House-Presentation/19j/.