TX/RX recently participated in a really great project being carried out by a group of seniors at the Rice OEDK. We were asked to assist via mentoring the group in designing and building a device intended to keep infants safe. We assisted the group with arduino and gsm expertise to aid in project implementation. Here is a little more about the project from Rice News.
"Audrey Clayton, Rachel Wang, Jason Fang, Ralph LaFrance and Ge You, who graduated from Rice May 16, spent the past year working at Rice’s Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen to develop Infant SOS, a car seat accessory to protect infants left in potentially lethal hot cars. The device is fitted into standard car seats and can issue auditory, visual and text alerts when it senses that the infant is in danger. It also features a passive cooling system designed to keep an infant’s core temperature below a critical point (heat stroke begins at 104 degrees Fahrenheit) until emergency responders arrive."
A really great project and we were lucky to be able to assist. See more at: Rice News