TX/RX Labs' Halloween Fright Fest is fast approaching. Members and students have been working on their costumes in classes like Life Casting, Costume Armor, Wearable Lighting, and FX Makeup, and are getting ready to show off their works.
The party will be starting Friday, Oct 31st at 7 PM. Refreshments and treats will be served. All are invited to bring a dish for the Halloween themed potluck.
There will be a costume contest with prizes for the best self-made costumes. The Grand Prize is a 3 month Tinkerer new membership ($100 class credit if the winner is currently a member). The Runner Up will receive 2 hours of 1-on-1 project mentorship.
There will also be a prize for the best Halloween themed potluck dish, a spool of PLA with Intro to 3D Printing with Thingiverse class credit.
For those needing to work on their costumes, the Art Lab will be holding open studio hours on Saturday, October 25 from 2-5 PM and Thursday from 6-9 PM.
Children are welcome to stop by, but only until 8 PM and must be attended at all times. This event, as with all Open House Fridays, is free and open to the public.