Wondering what is happening at TX/RX Labs recently? Well you should make sure to keep tabs on us through the great Facebook work Gaby has been doing (great pics and tons of good puns!) http://facebook.com/txrxlabs
But for those of us who don't use the Facebook here is stuff that has/is/will happen at TXRX!
- New Laser and Plasma Table are installed
- Taught an amazing class on 3d printing with Edison Middle School 45 Kids, 25 3d printers, water rockets, my little ponies, Sketchup, and much more. Was Amazing imo. Thanks Neil, Mellisa, Chris K., Genevieve, Bill S. for the help!
- Classes for kids with HPL are going great, lots of new volunteers to help and Genevieve has been leading the charge! Who knew paper circuits and electromagnets would be so cool.
- Our normal classes continue to go strong! DON'T Forget to help us out though
whenever you can.. Facebook, blog, email, post a flyer etc! We need all the
help we can get.
We have some really exciting classes coming up: MAYA/3DSMax, NixieTube Clock Build, Bowl Turning etc. http://classes.txrxlabs.org as always.
- Matt just completed a new wood storage rack for the shop which is great (no more wood all over the floor).
- Work on the craft area is moving along, we are going to have an amazing space with some classes to boot. Thanks so much to Evelyn on this as she has led the charge to find teachers and participants!
Lots of stuff in the works. Hope to see you all at the lab working on projects soon...
130 watt laser cutter
New 5x8 CNC router table
New larger CNC plasma cutter
New wood shop